The Kanban method of task management has been widely praised. But why does Kanban seem to be used so infrequently in your organization? Why do we seem to have such a limited grasp on this topic, if not because we are misunderstanding it? I'm hoping the information in this post may help.
1. What is Kanban?
Kanban (Japanese for "board" or "notice") is a visual method of managing production processes that were created by Toyota's Taiichi Ohno in the 1950s. It's software that makes it easier to monitor and control how work is done inside an organization or a team. By using cards to represent workflow and tasks, Kanban boards help employees visualize their work, break down large projects into more manageable chunks, and eliminate bottlenecks in the production process, all of which speed up the time it takes to get products to customers.

Pic 1.1: A KANBAN board - Milestone type

Pic 1.2: A KANBAN board - in the Planner app of Microsoft 365
2. How Does Kanban Work?
Work-in-progress (WIP) items are tracked using a kanban board stacked on top of a WIP board, with completed tasks being pushed down the board. This makes it simple to see where improvement is needed.

Pic 1.3: Components of a KANBAN board
3. Mindmap KANBAN

4. Core principal of KANBAN